Seraj, Orphanage Director
Seraj has two sons and one daughter. He is shown with his daughter, Soshi, younger son, Yasrib, and his wife Rashida. Seraj was brought up in the orphanage from the age of six.
Salauddin, Orphanage accountant and teacher, is also a good fisherman. He is the only staff member who is part-time: he is also assistant-professor at a local College.
Shahjahan is Seraj's brother. He is employed as a supervisor.
Farouk, Orphanage cook
Farouk cooks over sawdust fuelled stoves. He has to be strong to lift the heavy pots and pans. Like all the staff, he works seven days a week.
Baker, Salam, Mozammel and Sajjat
The orphanage employs four men who work full-time at the farm. Behind them is a well stocked hay stack.
Kamal, one of two teachers
Kamal helps the younger boys make a pinata
Piara and Johura, the two ayahs. They look after the boys and keep their rooms and clothes clean.